Don't Blame It on the Boots

Short Play, Comedy  /  3w, 1m

Nick Warburton

No one would have blamed it on the boots if only Kate had produced Macbeth instead of Hamlet, or Ophelia hadn't been so attractive and naive, or Eric had smaller feet and wasn't the drama group's prize flirt, or Liz's father hadn't been an actor who once trod the boards at Stratford in those self same boots.

Don't Blame It on the Boots

  • Cast Size
    Cast Size
    3w, 1m


No one would have blamed it on the boots if only Kate had produced Macbeth instead of Hamlet, or Ophelia hadn't been so attractive and naive, or Eric had smaller feet and wasn't the drama group's prize flirt, or Liz's father hadn't been an actor who once trod the boards at Stratford in those self same boots. But Kate does produce Hamlet and Eric flirts outrageously with the impressionable Ophelia. Liz insists that the Ghost wear the boots. On the last night the boots are worn but not, as everyone thinks, by Eric. He is trapped in his dressing room. So who gave such an impressive performance as the Ghost? This witty comedy is simple to stage and offers excellent casting opportunities.

Licensing & Materials

  • Minimum Fee: £30 per performance plus VAT when applicable.


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Nick Warburton

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